Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Physical Differences

When people think of the word family they often associate words of comfort, loving, accepting and protection. These are just a few words that people would describe a typical family. When these words are brought up in a sport context, I wonder how they have any business being there in the first place. When reading the Title IX blog, it makes me realize how most people don't realize that the choice of words they use can have some hidden or subconscious meaning. Some people don't realize how much it hurts others but then there are people that but certain connotations behind there meaning and the only people that recognize it are the people being hurt. Discrimination where it is directly or indirectly is harmful. Discrimination against someone because of who they are and who they choose to be and wrong and should not be accepted or even allowed continuing to happen. Discrimination against people because of their sexuality is the same thing as discriminating against people that have big ears. It is a nonsense and ignorant way of thinking. How the game is all of a sudden is no longer about the game but it is about the morals and attitudes that the athlete will face. Yes I know that when athletes are recruited they are recruited to the school and the way of life but why is it so heavily emphasizes. Shouldn't it be about how that school's program can help the athlete achieve athleticism in their pursuits or to become a better play and lover of their craft? How we are all of a sudden as a society are pushing these morals upon athletes? Why are we trying to control people with our ideologies, isn't the United States all about freedom but it seems to me that are we are doing is imprisoning these people, we are forcing them to live a lie. In an article by ESPN, they explain how coaches use homophobia as a way to recruit players to their teams. They imply that other schools do not uphold the same values that their school does and that they are like a “family”. This is a form of negative recruiting by implying other schools do not have these same values and do not provide a good place for that athlete to grow as an individual. Homophobia in sport has been around for a while and continues to plague many athletes and coaches alike. Many have left programs, forced to leave from all the harassment and negative feelings they are felt towards themselves. They have been hurt by doing something they love. So I ask myself why does being someone that identifies as a homosexual have anything to do with sport. Do people think it helps them run faster, jump higher, or shoot better? It doesn’t there is nothing physically different from a homosexual to a heterosexual in regards to physical abilities so then again I ask why does it matter? Why do people care? It basically comes down to people not accepting people from who they are and not putting aside differences for same love of the game.

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