Thursday, April 14, 2011

Transgender Athletes’ Participation in Sport

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender athletes’ participation in sport has been a controversial topic throughout sport history. Society has become more accepting of LGBT athletes, but the debate continues today. In Sarah Teetzel’s article Equality, Equity, and Inclusion, she discusses issues in women and transgendered athletes’ participation at the Olympics. Today, women athletes are receiving more equal treatment compared to their male competitors than ever before. Tweetzel suggests the problem with the division of men’s and women’s sport lies on the “out-dated and binary modes of thinking that call for the complete and absolute separation of women and men in the majority of athletic pursuits.” This separation fails to recognize the 0.1-1% of individuals who fall somewhere between being male and female. The debate continues today because of the binary way of thinking and its devaluing of women as athletes.

Pat Griffin also tackles the issue of accepting LGBT athletes in her blog post Does Acceptance of Women's Sport Require Dismissal of LGBT Discrimination? In the post, Griffin describes the experience of Kye Allums, a transgender man who plays on the George Washington University women’s basketball team. Kye displays remarkable courage and a strong sense of self identity by being open about his transition in order for others to learn and benefit from his experience. Kye’s courage as well as the fair and sensitive treatment of the GWU staff and basketball team have helped progress transgender participation in sport. The support from his teammates and coach have made the transition smoother and set an example for future transgender athletes. Mainstream acceptance of LGBT athletes should not require them to “suffer discrimination in silence or give up their right to participate in sports.” Instead, sport and society acceptance must change with the times and provide equality for all.

Things are changing for the better in the acceptance and participation of LGBT athletes in sport. Transgendered athletes are now allowed to participate in the Olympics. However, they must choose one sex either male or female, and follow the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) binary application in terms of sex and gender. This method fails to recognize individuals who fall between the binary line of male and female but it also enables transgender athletes to participate. With the help of athletes such as Kye Allums, society is progressing toward a more equal and accepting environment for LGBT athletes. Sport must change with the times and so should the often narrow way of public thinking.

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